01 今日长难句 Their theory is that if a lot of traders have already sold stocks, there will be fewer potential sellers to drive prices down in the future. 02 词汇解析 heory [ˈθiːəri] n. 理论,考研原则 stock [stɑːk] n. 股票 potential [pəˈtenʃl] adj. 潜在的英语安庆市某某母婴用品厂,可能的长难安庆市某某母婴用品厂 drive...down 压低...... 03 结构分析 ✔句子主干: Their theory is that... ✔表语从句: there will be fewer potential sellers to drive prices down in the future ✔状语从句: if a lot of traders have already sold stocks 04 参考译文 Their theory is that if a lot of traders have already sold stocks, there will be fewer potential sellers to drive prices down in the future. 他们认为倘若许多交易者已经抛售股票,未来就没有那么多潜在股票卖家来压低股价。考研
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